
Organise your benchmark

How to Structure the Perfect Benchmark

One of the most important questions you need to ask yourself is which type of benchmarking structure will work best for your business...

How Associations can Influence Participation of Members

Many associations wrongfully assume that member businesses are willing participants which aren’t always the case...

How to Organize a Successful Benchmark

Organizing a successful benchmark all boils down to understanding what your member businesses want, how they operate...

The Right way of Delivering Benchmarking Results

Now that you have done all the legwork involved with benchmarking the next step is to identify the most effective way to deliver the results...

What should you Benchmark

It is a question that many associations need to ask themselves. In niche industries where there is just a single product or only one service...

Which Members to Benchmark

Which Members to Benchmark? Once an association has established how important benchmarking is to all member businesses...

How to collect benchmarking data and motivate members to participate

Once you have finalized all the required steps for implementing your benchmarking efforts and you are pretty sure...

How to get reliable benchmarking data

Reliable benchmarking data is key in betting the desired results. Use some kind of validation of benchmarking data to improve the quality of data...

How To Check And Validate Consistency Of The Data

Validation of the data collected is the most crucial step towards a successful benchmark. Many associations make the mistake...

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How to source data for benchmarking

How to Source Data for Benchmarking? Once you know what to benchmark the next step is actually to start the benchmarking process...

The Right way of Delivering Benchmarking Results

Now that you have done all the legwork involved with benchmarking the next step is to identify the most effective way to deliver the results...

The Ideal way to prepare various Benchmark Report

Many associations in their effort to offer top quality benchmarking services overlook another very important aspect, i.e., the reports...

We supply the tools

Our intelligent online do-it-yourself Benchmark Tool has been created to make you successful in benchmarking. We support you with useful gadgets in all parts of the process managing your benchmark.

  • Online questionnaire with realtime calculations
  • Analysis and validation tools embedded into the same tool
  • Online reporting through dashboards
  • Offline reporting through generated pdf reports