
Report results

Create Valuable Market Reports and Communicate Results

One of the biggest challenges in our experience for most associations is providing market reports and effectively communicating...

The Ideal way to prepare various Benchmark Report

Many associations in their effort to offer top quality benchmarking services overlook another very important aspect, i.e., the reports...

The Importance of Training and Business Advise in Benchmarking

While benchmarking is an essential part of growing businesses within an industry by measuring their progress the key to successfully...

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General vs individual benchmarking

Many associations often overlook the benefits of member benchmarking. Associations that don’t currently conduct member benchmarking surveys...

Why is benchmarking so important for associations and their members?

Benchmarking among members, 70% of the associations want to do it, but only 30% manages to conduct benchmarking...

Create Valuable Market Reports and Communicate Results

One of the biggest challenges in our experience for most associations is providing market reports and effectively communicating...

We supply the tools

Our intelligent online do-it-yourself Benchmark Tool has been created to make you successful in benchmarking. We support you with useful gadgets in all parts of the process managing your benchmark.

  • Online questionnaire with realtime calculations
  • Analysis and validation tools embedded into the same tool
  • Online reporting through dashboards
  • Offline reporting through generated pdf reports